Triaena Maritime Security Ltd, was founded to meet the increasing client demands, offering a wide range of efficient and cost-effective Maritime Security Services, managed exclusively by a highly motivated and experienced group of trained professionals with a long and proven track record in preparing and escorting vessels through High-Risk Areas, in the region of Indian Ocean, Gulf of Aden and Gulf of Guinea (GoG).
Triaena has been incorporated in 2012 and authorized to operate as a Private Maritime Security Company. Since then, our company has completed thousands of operations, being accredited with positive feedbacks, and recommended by its customers. We have a track record of 100% successful operations, from pre-operation documentation, supplying highly qualified and trained personnel, voyage management, up to protect the vessel when the requirement emerged.
Throughout all these years Triaena has been approved by all major flag states, (Greece, Cyprus, Panama, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Malta, Luxembourg, etc.), oil majors and dry bulk charterers.

Mission Statement
We are committed to provide the Shipping Industry with high-quality Maritime Security Solutions based on the internationally accepted practices & standards, that includes the industry standard for the Maritime Security Companies, ISO 28007-1:2015, for the purpose of preventing and suppressing piracy and armed robbery against Merchant and Cruising Vessels, protecting vessel, crew and cargo.
Accreditation – ISO Standards

Our People

Security Personnel employed by Triaena are committed, exceptionally skilled and well-disciplined teams of Armed Guards, consisted of qualified former navy and military/law enforcement Special Forces with many years of experience not only in volatile and hostile environments around the world but also in the Maritime Security Industry. All our teams are trained to anticipate and proactively deter any hazardous situation.
Besides their firearms, our Security Teams are equipped with all necessary means to successfully perform their duties and accomplish their mission, such as special uniforms, personal safety items, communication equipment, and first-aid kits, helping them to confront any emergency.
After every transit, our team members follow a special debriefing procedure in order to evaluate the steps taken, threats faced and actions thereon, as part of the ongoing Training and improvement of the security services provided.
Triaena Maritime Security Ltd, fully understands all the relevant maritime industry concerns and expectations. Our personnel have deep and proven knowledge & experience of international Maritime Security challenges, as well as of all the issues related to the dangers of modern piracy.
Our company has outstanding individuals at every organizational level, characterized not only by their commitment to the task and responsiveness to our clients but also by their extreme competence, respectful manner, and commitment.
We are specialized in providing Safety to Merchant Vessels, crew and cargo, during their passage through areas where the threat of piracy and the risk of other illegal activities is high. Triaena implements on ships and yacht owners, a comprehensive and proven on-board Security Protection Plan even in cases where there is very short notice and always according to the highest standards.

Years of Experience
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Bounce Rate
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Satisfied customers
Security Training

Triaena Maritime Security Ltd, uses its high-level expertise built throughout these years to provide a broad range of internationally accredited and endorsed training services. The operational demands of providing effective Shipboard Security, involves working long hours at maximum levels of alertness. This requires Exceptional Training, Character, Concentration, and the Ability to Act Instinctively when required.
In order to keep the quality of our personnel, all our guards are trained regularly, required to pass competency tests and maintain their skills when not on active duty; this routine includes Fitness Training, Refresher Training and Live Firing Exercises in order to keep a continuous familiarization with their weapons.
Our extensive experience in Maritime Security Operations, allows us to offer security training services fully customized to our clients’ needs.
Maritime Security Operative (MSO) Course
This course provides fundamentals on maritime security industry, incorporating Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and Enhance Maritime Security in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, and Arabian Sea (BMP5). Emphasizes on IMO Module Course 3.23 (Piracy & Armed Robbery Prevention) as well as ISO 28007-1:2015 requirements. It has been designed to provide a standard knowledge in Maritime Security Awareness and Emergency Response Training.
Our Maritime Security Operatives (MSO) Initial and Refresher Courses are conducted by carefully selected experts, highlighting the following Training Subjects:
TMS “Code of Conduct”
Key Legal Concepts and Regulatory Framework
TMS Policies and Procedures (SOP)
Ship Hardening according to BMP5 Guidelines
Tanker Familiarization
Rules for the Use of Force (RUF)
Threat Assessment, Vessel Vulnerability & Risk Mitigation
Crisis Response Incident & Emergency Management, Reaction and Follow-Up
Personal Sea Survival Techniques, Marine Fire Prevention & Firefighting, Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities, Elementary First Aid/CPR and Security Awareness (according to STCW)
Safety & Social Responsibilities, Elementary First Aid/CPR and Security Awareness (according to STCW)

Emergency First Aid Response
First Person on Scene Intermediate (FPOS-Level 1)
This course has been developed in order to provide distinctive knowledge, skills and emergency response training, focusing on the provision of effective trauma management, dealing with a casualty in a trauma or a medical emergency, in all environments and particularly in a hostile or tactical environment. The main purpose of this course is not only the emergency life support but also the non-emergency care of an ill or injured person, applying first aid techniques with the use of special equipment such as oxygen cylinders & automated external defibrillator. The course is conducting in line with the Rescue Training International system.
Ballistic Trauma Management
This course has been designed to provide executive knowledge and skills on how to identify and treat immediate life-threatening injuries, resulting from a violent attack. The subjects are covered by experienced professional healthcare providers and training is not the typical of other professional medical courses. Aim of this course is for each MSO to be able to understand how and when first aid is provided to themselves and/or others during a violent confrontation in a safe learning environment. Throughout this course, MSO learns via hands-on skills practice, scenario-based training, and lectures.
Maritime Security Operator’s Firearms Training
Onsite Training
Onboard Training
Maritime Security Operative Team Leader (MSOTL) Course
This is a highly demanding course as it has been developed for Maritime Security Operatives who understand all principals of leading a team. A Team Leader is trained to conduct properly Risk & Threat Assessments onboard, providing Master with Security Advice, and implementing Rules for the Use of Force (RUF) according to Triaena’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and guidance.

Why Choose Us
Fully qualified personnel with great operational experience in Anti-Piracy Operations
Security Team members on-board vessels are former Navy or Military/ Law Enforcement Special Forces, with long experience in Covert/Non-Covert Operations, as well as in amphibious and maritime interdiction operations/missions, screened for their ability to adapt their military skills to civilian shipping operations
Security Guards are well disciplined with controlled reactions due to their long common service in Special Forces and the extensive training they are receiving as Maritime Security Operatives (including the use of Firearms), in a regular basis
Security Teams use practical, effective, non-escalator equipment and apply exceptionally standardized procedures, conforming to the highest Maritime Security international norms
Effective confrontation of a Security Incident (Piracy Attack) before the need for the implementation of the last resort (Citadel)
Professional working proficiency in the English language, by all our Security Guards
Upon each transit appointment, our experienced office personnel support the whole Maritime Security Operation in a smooth and seamless manner, without disturbing or interfering with our client’s daily routine
Audited and approved by an ever-broadening portfolio of shipping companies, oil majors, and dry bulk charterers